Nothing but love and respect for this beautiful animal whose sacrifice in keeping me alive will be appreciated every day. To all of you who don’t agree with taking the life of something to sustain yourself, I wish I could photosynthesize as you do so that I didn’t have to. Otherwise, shame on you for either allowing someone else to do your dirty work or not being able to appreciate that just because something isn’t fuzzy with two eyes doesn’t mean it’s life has less value.
Our food came from somewhere… acres of land deforested, habitat lost, resources consumed in it’s shipment (strawberries in New England in the winter? come on…), factory farms… not to mention how many deer your tofu truck hit on the way to the supermarket. There’s blood on all of our hands, whether we choose to accept it in a visceral way or not.
I’ve found the best way for me to personally accept this incredibly humbling fact is to have the closest connection to my food as I can… eating wild plants, fungi, and yes, animals. I know that the animals and plants I consume lived well and died swiftly and, believe it or not, with great love. I know that not everyone can have this connection. I accept that. I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind. But please pause and try to see outside your own world view before being so quick to pass judgment on how anyone else choses to interact with their own experience of being human.
Love your approach.
Good thoughts. Do you feel the same way towards those who choose a cannibal lifestyle? Or are you selectively tolerant? Hypothetically, if a cannibal said that they dispatched their food with great love and a genuine connection… would that be okay? Because if your answer is no, you may want to dig a little deeper and reevaluate your ideology.
Cannibalism? Really interesting straw man you’ve introduced, but it looks like you ignored everything she just said.
Hypothetically, if a supreme being (say God for example) walked among man and cannibalized humans as the utlimate sacrifice that man could offer, should man offer himself willingly? Hypotheticals regarding philosophical questions are a waste of brain matter. What a ridiculous, non-thought provoking question.
Well said. All life matters and deserves respect.
How nice)